Your lawyer can negotiate a settlement of your personal injury case in Virginia by investigating your case, collecting the evidence to build your case, and working directly with the defendant’s insurance company to reach an agreement on the amount of compensation you will receive. If it becomes necessary to file a lawsuit on your behalf, …
What are the dangers of drunk walking?
Drunk walking can be just as dangerous as drunk driving. 46% of the traffic crashes that ended in pedestrian casualty involved inebriation by either the driver or the pedestrian. Of that figure, 34% of the pedestrians had been legally intoxicated at the time of the crash, whereas 13% of the drivers were intoxicated. In fact, …
What are symptoms of a traumatic brain concussion?
I am Jim Parish of the Parish law firm. I am a traumatic brain injury attorney in northern Virginia. Today I would like to describe some of the symptoms of someone suffering from a concussion. Headaches, lack of awareness, nausea or vomiting, and confusion. If you are exhibiting any of these brain injury signs or …
How do you check for a concussion?
Hello everyone. I am a personal injury attorney that handles brain injury cases in Virginia. The way that a concussive type injury or traumatic brain injury is diagnosed is with what’s called the Glasgow Coma Scale. This scale measures the response from the eyes; also motor responses and verbal responses. I hope this information has …
How can I stay safe while driving around tractor trailer trucks?
Hello everybody I am Jim Parish of the Parish law firm. I am a tractor trailer injury lawyer in Virginia. Today I would like to talk about some of the dangers of driving around large tractor trailers. Certainly, never drive in tractor trailer blind spots, and that can either be the left or right side …