An extraordinary 92% of public school teachers in Virginia find themselves paying for necessary school supplies out of their own pockets. A weak economy and increased cuts in school budgets have forced teachers to spend more of their own earnings to continue making their classroom an enriching environment. This money goes toward even the simplest supplies including papers, pencils, markers, and other necessary items. Many are buying items for students who can’t afford to buy them.
Public school teachers across the United States spend more than $1.3 billion from their own pockets on school supplies, according to a study by the National School Supply and Equipment Association (NSSEA) in the 2009-2010 school years. Estimates are only expected to increase. In Virginia, each teacher spends an average of $415 on schooling supplies for his or her own classroom.
As a relative of a public school teacher, Jim Parrish knows firsthand of the issues that public school teachers have to face. In order to help serve their classrooms and community, he created The Parrish Law Firm School Supplies Gift Program, to assist teachers across Northern Virginia in providing valuable resources to their students.
How It Works
- Each week during the school year The Parrish Law Firm will give a $50 gift card to one lucky teacher to use for their classroom.
- Anyone can nominate a teacher. A parent, student, administrator, or even the teacher themselves can submit a nomination.
- A teacher or classroom is only eligible to win one time per academic school year.
- Only teachers that teach at public schools in Prince William County are eligible.
- Winners will be notified via email.
- Information about weekly winners and their classrooms will be posted on the Parrish Law Firm website at and!/pages/The-Parrish-Law-Firm-School-Supplies-Gift-Program/298428566848257.
Application/Nomination Form
Instructions: Please fill out the form below and send to The Parrish Law Firm School Supplies Gift Program, 9214 Center Street, 3rd Floor, Manassas, Virginia 20110, via fax at (571) 229-1818 or you may email your application to
Teacher/Nominee Information:
Teacher Name: ___________________________________________
School: ________________________________________________
Room Number: ___________________________________________
Grade Level: _____________________________________________
School Address: ___________________________________________
City, State, Zip: ___________________________________________
Contact Phone: ___________________________________________
Contact Email: ___________________________________________
Nominator Information: (if different from above)
Name: _________________________________________________
Contact Phone: ___________________________________________
Contact Email: ___________________________________________
Relationship to Teacher (parent, colleague, etc.): ____________________
Please explain in detail. The award is chosen based on the answers to these questions. Why does this teacher deserve recognition?
Describe the teacher, classroom, and anything that you believe makes this teacher or class extraordinary.
How much does this teacher typically spend out-of-pocket for supplies that are not covered by the school?
How would the teacher use the requested supplies?
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